Awakening The Soul’s Light



Awakening The Soul’s Light








Karolina is a spiritual teacher, healer and mentor.  She helps women connect with their own divine feminine power, allowing them to develop their intuition, natural psychic abilities and accelerate their journey of ascension.  She facilitates spiritual growth by channeling divine energy to provide spiritual clearing on a multidimensional level.  She brings her passion to help women expand their consciousness into every transformational mentoring session, workshop and retreat.

Clear Your Path to Awakening 

You’ve had an inner calling to expand your consciousness that’s been getting louder and louder recently.  You’ve experienced the truth of your female intuition and inner guidance system and want to develop it further, but you don’t know where to start.  You intuitively know it’s within you to develop such a strong connection with your divine feminine energy, but you can’t seem to get there on your own.  Maybe you’ve made some progress in the past but just found yourself back at square one.  Let me help you accelerate your journey of ascension and move forwards... 

Clear the Path to Ascension



Are you constantly being held back on your journey of ascension?  Do you find yourself taking two steps forwards and one step back?  If this is you, let me help you move forwards.

I will take you on a journey of healing and cleansing that will allow you to move forwards with your ascension.  By healing your physical, emotional and spiritual trauma, you can cleanse your system of the low vibrational energy that has impacted every aspect of your life for so long.  When you’re free of these low vibrational energies, you can embrace new levels of consciousness with ease, enabling you to live to your full potential in love, joy and fulfilment.

Awaken the Divine Feminine Within You



Have you experienced your female intuition in full force and want to develop it further?  Can you feel the divine feminine power within you and want to strengthen your connection to it?  Are you ready to ascend to new levels of consciousness?  If so, I’ll help you move forwards with your journey of awakening to discover your true self and learn to embody your divine feminine connection, that goes beyond just self-empowerment and onto a deeper level of knowledge and understanding. You’ll be free to manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of and activate the codes of light, liberation, bliss and abundance that will become your normal state of being.

Y O U R   L I F E   C A N   B E   A M A Z I N G 

Every woman is born with the divine power to create and manifest her heart’s desires. But over time, she is conditioned to conform and comply, instead of living her authentic truth. As she sacrifices pieces of herself for the happiness of others, another part of her divine power fades away.



Yet, deep inside every woman, there’s a part of her that cannot be tamed.

Able to tap into her intuition, natural psychic abilities and female medicine.

It’s time for her to ascend to new levels of consciousness!


It Can Be Done

By transforming every aspect of my life, I overcame depression, emotional trauma, toxic relationships, anxiety, and healed the connection with my true divine feminine self.  Once I’d rid myself of this low vibrational energy, I was finally free to embrace higher levels of consciousness with ease, enabling me to live the life I knew I truly deserved, one full of love, joy and fulfilment.



As the energy and frequency rises within you, it will enhance your connection to the divine feminine and your true self.  You will develop your innate intuition, natural psychic abilities and female medicine to feel more health, more abundance, more joy and more fulfilment. I am here to help and support you as you move through your process of ascension and your awakening, to vaster and higher levels of awareness and consciousness.

What other women are saying...


Unsure what you need right now?

Let’s find out together.

If you need some guidance and how to deal with whatever you’re going through or if you’re not sure where to start on your journey of ascension, just book a free clarity call with me. I’ll listen to you without judging and help you gain clarity on how to move forward. 


This is great for you if...

  • If you feel stuck or unfulfilled and want to grow.

  • If you feel a calling to break free and move forwards but don’t know where to start.

  • If you’re suffering with feelings of doubt, self worth and confidence.

  • If you want to develop more self-love and a connection with who you really are

  • You’re unsure what you need, but you know something needs to change!

Unsure what you need right now? Let’s find out together.

If you need some guidance and how to deal with whatever you’re going through or if you’re not sure where to start on your journey of ascension, just book a free clarity call with me. I’ll listen to you without judging and help you gain clarity on how to move forward. 


This is great for you if...

  • If you feel stuck or unfulfilled and want to grow.

  • If you feel a calling to break free and move forwards but don’t know where to start.

  • If you’re suffering with feelings of doubt, self worth and confidence.

  • If you want to develop more self-love and a connection with who you really are

  • You’re unsure what you need, but you know something needs to change!