Did you know your Money Blocks are not even yours?

We pick up patterns from our parents, and in our very DNA from our ancestors.


Scientific research has proven that our beliefs are inherited from up to 21 generations back!! That’s over 600 years ago.


I was born in communist Poland. My ancestors got invaded from all sides for hundreds of years. Poland lost much of its wealth to neighbouring countries.


Your country may have experienced something similar, as every nation has experienced war and conflict.


So why is this important to you?

By knowing your nations history, you can begin to unpick the money stories your parents told you.



“Rich people are greedy”. 

" It’s not safe to have money”

“I need to work hard for money”

“Money does not come easy”

 “I do not deserve to have more money”

“I do not know how to manage money”


“I have to hide my money from others”
“If I have money, the government will take it”
“Enemies will take my land / property”
“My borders / boundaries are unprotected”
“I am never safe”
“It’s dangerous to be visible”



Are you ready to release these programs?

I will be doing live call with guided meditation and energy clearing to manifest more money in to your life and explaining why people struggle with money mindset. 


Next session will be;


28th  of  November at 4pm UK time


The Zoom link will be provided after the registration. 

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